My name is Addison, and I am a high school student. I have three rescue dogs.My favourite subject in school is science, more specifically chemistry. I like learning about the different elements of the periodic table. My favourite food is pasta and my favourite activity is to skate. I also really love to paint. My favourite sport is gymnastics and soccer. My favourite season is winter because I love to play in the snow and I like to go sledding. My favourite time of day is in the late afternoon because that is the time where I get to watch the sunsets and it is the best time to go swimming which I love to do. My favourite place that I went on vacation is Cuba when I was 6. I love to travel and I love to be on planes. I want to be an intelligence worker/public safety when I am older.
My favourite quote is “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney because people always say this to me and I think that it is true that you will never finish anything if you don’t start. It is a very inspirational and motivating quote and I usually think about this when I have to do something that I don’t want to like studying or homework. Since I am a bit of a procrastinator, my dad usually says this to me and it really helps me get started when I would rather be doing other things.
I like this national geographic clip because it shows the process of a blooming flower. It is a very beautiful process and it is a beautiful part of this earth. Flowers are my favourite plant because they play an important role for keeping bees alive. I love science and learning about the different parts of the flower and what everything means and plays a role to help the flower bloom. I specifically chose this flower because the colour of it was so beautiful and intriguing and that is also how bees chose what flower to pollinate. I love to watch these types of videos on national geographic website.
I love this picture of a squirrel because ever since I was little I would ask my parents for a pet squirrel. I loved them so much and would get super excited whenever I would see one out in public. One time I got bit by one when I was in daycare after I caught it and brought it back inside, but that never changed the fact that I love them. My sister gave me the nickname squirrel because I had chubby cheeks when I was younger and I loved them so much.
My favourite website is Canva because it is very useful when I am doing school projects. It is also very useful because it has many features that allow very great creativity. I like it better than powerpoint in some cases. I do most of my assignments on Canva and it is a very good website to show your creativity, it also has so many different tools which makes doing assignments easy and fun.