English 9

This year, in English 9, we had to write multiple essays and papers. Perhaps the one I am most proud of is my Literary Essay on the book “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie. While writing this essay I had to restart multiple times as I could not get any topics/quotes that I truly thought represented the character, Arnold. I managed to persevere through it and came out with something I was proud of.

True Diary Essay

Physical Education 9

In PE 9, we had an assignment in which we had to go a whole WEEK without eating any added sugar.

I managed to preserve through this challenge and completed it. I am proud of this because I had learned from previous days that I eat about 55 grams (about average) everyday! I thought that I would at least eat a little bit of sugar at some point during the week, but I did not. Also, I like to bake, so it was hard going a week without baking anything.