Core competencies reflexion
For the section of collaborating, I think I have improved this year. At the start of the year I related to profile 2. I would do my part of the project but I would not speak up if I had any ideas as I was a bit shy. Now I am more relating to profile four and five. Now I can take the leader role if no one has any ideas and I can speak up even if I do not know my group members that well. Classes this semester like communications and science have helped me improve with this competency because of all the group projects I have done.
For the section of creative thinking, I need to improve as I usually ask for guidance when we have more creative liberty on assignments and projects. Right now I relate more to profile two and three as I can generate new ideas that pop into my head from past research, conversations or practicing, but I can also combine others ideas in new ways. My extracurricular, dance, helps me a lot as we need to use our imagination and generate new ideas sometimes even on the spot. I think by next year I will have improved a lot as I will have danced more hours per week.