My time at my mothers work was really interesting and fun! there were so many things to do and I learned an insane amount of things. To start the day off we went to my moms work, Stantec. The building was huge.
This is one of my moms projects that she took me to, its under construction and she was supervising the site.
We went inside to one of the top floors where there was a room with around 9 kids who came to take your kid to work day with their parents. For breakfast we had some bagels, fruits, and juice. We started off the day by doing some icebreakers to get to know each other like what our favorite sports are etc..
Then the office workers had some people come in and give us some presentations teaching us about what they do like how to clean out some radioactive spills, sustainable electricity, and how they design and service hydro dams. It was really informative and taught me a lot about engineers and what they do.
Then we had a delicious pizza lunch.
After that they took us on a tour to the penthouse level and showed us the surrounding buildings it was a really beautiful view.
Afterwards to finish off the day at the office we practiced the methods we used to build building and used pasta straws and marshmallows to make our own mini towers.
My tower won! It was a super fun way to end off the day and I sadly had to say goodbye to all the friends I recently met.
Then I went with my mother to Metrotown mall to get her lunch really quickly, I got a small snack too since I only had a little pizza it was really delicious and we talked some more about what she did with her job which is being a building science consultant. She consults her clients on how to make their buildings have proper thermal performance, how to have moisture protection, airtight, moisture controlled, condensation controlled, she also helps teams building new building and on projects for existing buildings that need repairs.
After that we went to her office where she finished her work and I had some hot chocolate from their work cafeteria. I took this opportunity to do some work and finish off on some homework, sadly i wasn’t able to discuss with my mom about her work because she was extremely busy talking with her coworkers, we went home around 6 pm.
I feel like i have a way better understanding of how offices work and what my mom does on a daily basis, it was really fun to get to know some of her coworkers and learn a lot of new things. Overall I feel like take your kid to work day was a huge success.
These are my take your kind to work day questions from assignment A.