A very brief summary of books and their purpose

Books. Everyone knows what they are. It’s a source of information or entertainment, derived by people who had spent their time creating it. But not everyone knows the history or the amount of sway it has over people. Books are a chance to dream, to escape from reality. It is a way to save information for future generations; journals had been created for this very purpose. For information, newspapers had been formed. For entertainment, genres had been created for specific groups of stories. For history, autobiographies have been written.

Printed books had shown up in the 1400’s, and one of the first of the printed had been the Bible. Everyone knows the Bible, if not directly, then indirectly. People say ‘Jesus Christ’, and they say it when the situation they are in seems to require it. The Bible is a book, a story, and it might well be the most known book in the entirety of history. Books were created as a form of hard information, and as the printed books overcame the speed of oral speech, the Bible became widely known. As oral stories eventually made their way to pages, information became more accurate and widespread. No matter what, all information can be traced back to books.

Even the Bangladesh government gives away free books on a certain day to promote good citizenship. They believe that to be a good human, humans must be educated.

And thus, finally, I have proved that books are invaluable.

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