Quarter 3 Proud

In Q3 my most proud project is “Brand Rendering” in Graphic 9 class. In this project, I did a lot of things. First, I need to write out what I am interested and chose two the most I like. Second, I need to draw a rough copy of my design which is about me. Third, I need to put my design into the Illustrator, this is the most hard part in this project, because I need to make sure I can put all stuff which I draw into the illustrator. After these steps I still need to made it better and better. Finally, I got great marks for all those steps.


Break the Fake Part – U.S. schools prepare summer of learning to help kids catch up

1. I found a news article about “U.S. schools prepare summer of learning to help kids catch up” on CTV NEWS.


2. I did a search on Wikipedia for CTV NEWS and I knew it is closely tied to the national news division. so, I knew that CTV NEWS has high credibility.

3. I searched the title of the news article on google, and i found another news article about the same thing that is posted by ABC NEWS.


4. And ABC NEWS has a video to support.


5. So, this news is true.

Quarter 2 Proud

In Q2 my most proud assignment is the exponent’s project. In this project, I worked with my partner and we work really well. We have a clear division of labour and we didn’t get any mess up. We explained the rules in exponents very succinctly. We all get a good mark at the end of Q2.



One thing that I’m proud of myself

The most thing I’m proud of the quarter 1 is the Mac and Cheese competition in my food studies 9 class. In this competition we had 6 groups, every group have to make their own Mac and Cheese with their recipe. Our group put a lot of ingredients in our Mac and Cheese. Our group was trying to make the most different  Mac and Cheese than others, so we didn’t used the cheese the teacher gave to us, we used another type of cheese. In this competition, our group won first place.


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  • Use comments to show what you think is important, interesting, controversial, thoughtful.
    I welcome you to share what you think so that I can know what is more important, what is more interesting.
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    Only critique the idea, not the person. The idea is only a small part of that person, it is not all that person thought.
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