Quarter 3 Assignment – Identity Project

In Quarter 3 I was in English 9. In this class I had to read the book “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian,” by Sherman Alexie. When I finished the novel I had to create a final project on the identity of one of the characters. There were not very many guidelines for this project and we were told to be creative as we wanted to.

I created a book to show my character’s personality on the “outside” and on the “inside,” as a take on the phrase “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”  I’m proud of this assignment because I spent a lot of time planning, drawing, and colouring it, and I was really happy with the final product. I’m also proud of the concept I came up with to display the character’s identity.

Here are some pictures of my project:

Break the Fake – Can Chihuahuas Cure Asthma?


  1. I found an article on the website Asthma.net, claiming that owning a chihuahua might cure some people’s asthma. This idea sounds weird so I’m going to fact check it.


2. The website had no “About Us” section so I visited their Instagram page. I discovered that they had no blue checkmark next to their profile.


3. I also looked up the website on Wikipedia, but discovered that there was no article about them. This suggests that they are not a well known source or authority for information on asthma.


4. I used snopes.com to check if the story was false. I found that this theory originated in folklore but became a widespread belief in the 1950s. However there is no cure for asthma and it is just a myth.



5. Finally, I searched on google with the words “Chihuahua cures asthma fake,” and discovered that many other websites said that this was not true. In conclusion, the idea that Chihuahuas can cure asthma is false.


Quarter 2 Assignment – T-Shirt Design

In Quarter 2 I was in Drafting 9. One of my favourite assignments I got to do was create a logo to be printed onto a T-shirt.

To create my design for this project I had to learn how to use AutoCAD. AutoCAD is a very complex program and it was a challenge for me to use it. The project took me many hours but I ended up with a design I’m really proud of and put a lot of hard work into.

Once I completed my logo it was printed onto a T-shirt with a T-shirt press.

Here is a picture of my T-shirt.

Information Fluency Assignment: How do Pets Affect our Mental Health?

As a dog owner I am very curious about the effect that pets have on our mental health. It is well known that pets can make us happy and healthy, but how do they do this? In my research I found that pets, and dogs in particular, can reduce loneliness. Loneliness has been known to cause depression and anxiety. These benefits are even greater for people who live alone. Dogs offer us companionship and friendship. Having a dog makes people more active and physical activity is shown to improve mood and mental health. Having strong physical and mental health can lead to a long life. I wonder if dog ownership could help with the stress COVID19 creates? Could it help people who are lonely because they can no longer attend social gatherings? Cats also provide many benefits. Petting cats can lower blood pressure and heart rate, as well as relieve stress. The stronger the bond you have with the cat the greater the relief is. The more time you spend with pets the better you will feel. I wonder whether dogs or cats have stronger benefits? Could having both create even stronger effects? The topic of mental health is very prevalent right now because of the stressful time we are living in. I think pet ownership may be a solution to this problem for many people.

Quarter 1 Assignment – Laser Cut Christmas Decoration

In Information and Communications Technologies we had to design a Christmas ornament!

I’m really proud of this because I had to learn how to use the program Adobe Illustrator. It was a little bit challenging in the beginning but once I got the hang of it, it was really fun! I created a snowman design which was then cut out buy a laser cutter. The laser cutter points a laser at a sheet of plywood which cuts the wood into the design you created. I am very excited to hang it on my Christmas tree.

Here is the snowman ornament I created.

Guidelines for Commenting

Thanks for visiting my blog! Here are some guidelines for commenting on my blog. When you leave a comment please be respectful and considerate

Commenting Guidelines:

  • Write comments that add to the conversation. Ask a question.
    • Add your own ideas that people who read the post might be interested in.
    • Asking questions can help me improve my posts.
  • Treat people the way you want to be treated.
    • If you would not want me to day it to you, please do not write it.
  • Constructive criticism only. Critique the idea, not the person. Being derogatory or inflammatory distracts the conversation. Respect other people and their opinions and ideas.
    • Do not say rude things just because you disagree with a point or dislike something.
    • Offering feedback and ways to improve is much more helpful.
  • Use good grammar and spelling. Mistakes cause readers to focus on how you write, not your ideas.
    • Writing in a professional way helps others better understand your ideas.

Sample: My Blogpost on Staying Organized at School

“Hello Waverley! These tips have really encouraged me to organize my binders and school supplies. Another thing I do to stay organized at school is packing my bag the night before so I do not forget anything. Next time could you add pictures to show us how you have implemented these tips?”