Quarter 2 – proud assignment

One of the assignments I am most proud of from quarter 2 was my film project in Communications 9. We were given plenty of time to work on the project so my group perfected it. I put a lot of effort into writing the script for our French version of the Bachelorette. It was especially difficult coming up with good French comedy because we had to make sure everyone understood the humour and that the jokes made sense in the language as well. We even brought props to school and went to different places to film each scene because we wanted it to be as real as possible. It was a big project and there were many parts involved, like the filming, writing the script, costumes, locations and scene ideas. In the end, the short movie was a success and I got a great mark for it. Everyone in my group worked really hard and did the best they could, which only made the film even better. Overall, I’m very proud of it because the final product was amazing and our movie won the best film award in our class,

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