Quarter 3 Proud of Assignment

The quarter 3 assignment that I am proud of is my math journal project. My math journal project is about scaling. For my project, I chose to scale a Gatorade drink. To scale the Gatorade drink, I found the measures of the actual Gatorade and I chose a scale factor. After I chose my scale factor I decided if I was going to do an enlargement or reduction and I chose enlargement. When I finished the mathematical part of my project I did a description of why I chose Gatorade and how I did the math. I am really proud of this assignment because I got a really good mark on it and it was a fun project to do.

my project:

Break the Fake – part 2

The ariticle i found is called “why do we cook our food.” This article was last edited on November 8 2010. This article is posted on eufic.org and its about why we need to cook our food. i chose this article because i found reallly intesting information that i really wanted to know if it was real or fake. The information that i found intresing is that the article stated that cooking was invented over 2.3 million years ago. This article also talks about how cooking was meant to be used for preservationbut people started to use it creativly. There is many accounts, websites, blogs etc on how to cook food in creative ways. More stuff that this article talks about is safety while cooking, the main typs of cooking, what happens to food when it is cooked and many more.


The article i found was True because many other websites agreed with the information given in the article i found.

Article: https://www.eufic.org/en/food-safety/article/the-why-how-and-consequences-of-cooking-our-food

  1. I searched up the topic i wanted to do

2. I looked for an article about cooking and i found this one:


3. I found information that i wanted to know if it was real or fake


4. i searched up the question i wanted to ask to find out if its real or fake

5. on wikipedia it stated that cooking may have been invented 2.3 millions years ago

6. This article also showed proof that cooking was invented around 2.3 million years ago

Quarter 2 Proud of Assignment

     An assignment I did in quarter two that I’m proud of is a project I did in English called Illustrate the Figurative. Illustrate the Figurative is an assignment where you have to pick a quote from the book we were reading. We also had to make abstract art out of the book. The book we were reading is called “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.” The quote I chose from the book is “I WAS HOT MAD, VOLCANO MAD, TSUNAMI MAD,” I had to make abstract art out of that quote. I made the abstract art by drawing a boy for the “I” because the person that says the quote is a boy. At the begging of the quote, it says “I WAS HOT MAD” to represent that in my drawing I drew him sweating. For the part where it says “VOLCANO MAD” I drew a volcano exploding from his head to show that his negative thoughts are hurting his head. For the last part, the quote says “TSUNAMI MAD,” I drew a tsunami in the back of him to show that the tsunami is trying to wash away his negativity and add positivity. I enjoyed doing this assignment because it was a fun experience and I have never done a project like this, but it was a bit hard to think about how to make abstract art out of a quote.




Assignment # 3 Information Fluency

Rouya Anmar Passion paragraph

Something that I am passionate about is cooking. Cooking is a fun thing that I like to do with my siblings or with my parents. My parents inspired me to start learning how to cook because they are both great at cooking. My parents cook harder food, so I usually like to make breakfast, lunch, or snacks. To help me cook, I ask my parents for ingredients, or I search up videos on what I want to cook to help guide me throughout the process of cooking. Some of the food I have made for my family are Sushi, Smoothie bowls, hotdogs, quesadilla, mac and cheese, soup, and many more. I also like to cook to take a break and get my mind off schoolwork. I like to cook at home because it is a fun and safe way to cook without needing to worry about unhealthy ingredients in your food. Sometimes my brother and I like to make food for each other and see who made it taste better. When I’m cooking, I’m trying to learn about the measurement of ingredients for example for salt, I need to make sure I have a good amount and not more because it can give you heart disease and affect your blood pressure.

Guidelines for commenting on my blog

Thank you for checking out my blog, please be respectful and thoughtful when you are commenting on my blog. These are some guidelines to help you with your comments.

  • Comments should be at least 2-5 sentences : 

I believe that the comments you write on my work should be 2-5 sentences so that I can fully understand what you are commenting about.

  • Use comments to show what you think is important, interesting, controversial, thoughtful :

When you are commenting on my post-show me what you liked and did not like/understand.

  • Use good grammar and spelling. Mistakes cause readers to focus on how you write, not your ideas :

Make sure when you comment that your writing is understandable with good grammar so that I can learn from the way you type or comment on people’s work.

  • Treat people the way you want to be treated :

Write comments that you would like to hear from others and not what you don’t like to hear.

Sample: My blog post on basketball tricks.

“Hey, Rouya, thank you for sharing your amazing tricks. I had so much fun trying to learn some of the tricks you do! You are very good at teaching and explaining.”