All posts by Renee


Art can be many things. It can be a way to express your feelings or creativity, or a way to tell a story. One of the articles I looked at is called “An Interpretation FROM THE ARTIST”. The author and artist, Tori McConnell wrote that her art piece is based on her identity as a Yurok/Karuk. It illustrates her justice and story as a Yurok/Karuk person and is personal to her. Many people look at art for less than 30 seconds. They see it and assume it’s just another image but in reality, there can be a deeper meaning to it. For example, there is a famous painting by Johannes Vermeer called “The Girl with a Pearl Earring”. It has been said that the painting could be about love and intimacy and yet it is just a simple painting of a woman in a dark space and clearly the center of attention because it has been painted so that the viewer’s eye goes directly to her. A lot of people think art is difficult to learn but in reality, the more you do it, the better you get at it. It can be challenging at first but it tends to get easier as your skill develops. 

commenting guidelines

hi here are some guidelines to follow when commenting on my posts 🙂

  1. don’t spread negativity
  2. stay on topic when commenting
  3. think before commenting
  4. feel free to express your opinion! it’s interesting to hear different opinions on things

an example of a good comment would be: “hey renee! i really like your drawing, i think it looks really cool”