About Me


.“You are not born a winner. You are not born a loser. You are born a chooser.”

— Anonymous

I love this because it really encourages me, and it let me work hard. When I am depressed , I always read this quote and it can make me passionate.


My Favorite YouTube Clip:


I love this clip because it shows the nature of our universe. This video let us think about where our human are going. Fantastic!



I love this photo because the picture has a strong power. It can make me happy by feeling the nature. In addition, I love tall mountains, because it is sacred and mysterious for me. So I like this picture.


My Favorite Website:


I like this website because there is a lot of anime and I am an anime fan. In addition, there is a lot of teaching video on bilibili, when I want to learn something I go to this website. Thirdly, there are many kinds of video on the website like anime, game, technology, political, vlog, even learning. There are all kinds of video that you like. So that is the reason why I like this website.

One thought on “About Me

  1. I have noticed that you haven’t edited your “About Me” page yet. Please have a look at the assignment page and follow the directions. You need a video, a quote, an image, and a link to your favourite website, as well as explanations for why these are meaningful to you. Please email me (wchoi@sd43.bc.ca) once you have made these changes so that I can reassess your page. Thanks!