What My Device Might Look Like

My partner and I both liked our idea and wanted to make it work and look professional. Unfortunately, we don’t own a company and need to work with the materials we have. For us, cardboard is the way to go. We decided to use cardboard for the frame which will be a simple, tall and slim box that will hold the bird seeds. Inside the frame, the majority of the space will be occupied by a plastic bottle or container that will safely contain the small seeds. There will also be a plastic straw connected to the plastic container and the seed funnel. The rest of the space will be taken up by the Microbit components. We also want to include lights, or even an element of sound, but we will decide that later on. A major component will be the light sensor that will detect natural sunlight. To test the light sensor, we can make a small cardboard box with a flap, to simulate natural light entering a room.

Smart Device Idea

Both my partner and I  have a parrots as pets, and constantly struggle with remembering to feed them in the mornings.  Even after school, it never comes to mind that this task needs to be done during the exhaustion from the day, so our parrots remain hungry. Can we simply wake up earlier to give our birds their food? Of course we can. But why struggle like that when technology exists. Therefore, we decided to commence the fabrication of our revolutionary device that will detect natural sunlight and dispense the perfect portion of food out of a smart home device.

Digital Footprint

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