About Me

My name is Jacob and i am in grade 9. I like to play baseball, hockey, and to play video games.


1) What is Your Favorite Quote:

you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

Wayne Gretzky


2) What is Your Favorite YouTube Clip: this is my favorite youtube clip because it is funny



3) What is your favourite website

My favorite website that I use is youtube because I spend most of my time on it


A picture that has Impacted me:

I choose this picture because I like to play hockey

The History on My Birthday:

1783- Jean de Rozier and the Marquis d’Arlandes make the first free-flight ascent in a balloon to over 500 feet in Paris

1904- Motorized omnibuses replace horse-drawn cars in Paris.



One thought on “About Me

  1. You have done a good job with your page; however, you do not have all of your media properly integrated into your page. You need to ensure that you embed your videos and/or link to your favorite website.