Our Design-Create-Tryout-Make It Better cycle #2

Edublog post #2 about our microbit project

In our first post, we talked about some ideas that we wrote down in our brainstorming session. None of the ideas really jumped out at us, so we decided to leave it there and see if we could think of a better idea. This better idea came to us in the form of a noise sensor. When the microbit detects that there’s no noise, it will turn off the lights in that room, saving energy. We thought that this would be important because people are forgetful and when people leave the lights on, it eats into our energy bill. Like I already mentioned, we’re going to make this idea a reality by using the noise sensor. The idea came to us because my parents are always on me about leaving my lights on in my room, and I just couldn’t seem to remember. When this project was presented to me, I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to invent something to remedy my problem. We think that this invention will help a lot of people save money. Obviously we’re not going to sell it for money or anything, but we think it’s a cool idea that’s perfect for this type of assignment. We will get to work on building it after spring break because my science 9 class has not been visited by the microbit teachers yet, but I’m looking forward to it.

Our Design-Create-Tryout-Make It Better cycle

Edublog post #1 of our microbit project

Since I have a little bit of Microbit experience from Middle school, I had a little bit of on idea on what to do. I knew that the microbit had a sound output, so Ateeq and I thought about making an alarm when a person walks into a house without permission. We also thought about people that are really lazy and their fridges are too far away. This led us to think of a robot that can act as a car to carry snacks to you from the fridge. However, we encountered a lot of problems, such as how would the robot open the door, so we scrapped the idea. We also talked about how one of the biggest problems people have is when their alarm doesn’t go off in the morning. This made us think of a machine that vibrates at a predetermined time. We liked this idea because some people are such deep sleepers that sound doesn’t work, but a vibrating machine would activate the nerves and coax the person out of sleep easier. None of these ideas really jumped out at us though, so we decided to leave it like this and maybe we would think of a better idea in our next post.