Quatre 3 proud of assignment!


In this post, I will be talking about a Q3 assignment that I am very proud of. In quarter 3, I had Math 9 and Graphics 9, and I have quite a hatred for math so I will be talking about the brand assignment we were given in Graphics! Graphics was very enjoyable, from the frustrating photoshop moments to the moments of understanding, everything was enjoyable. In this class, we were given a task to brainstorm, draw out construct and finalize a brand idea for an iPhone Wrap.  Now, at first, this project seemed very scary as I didn’t know what I would design for my brand that would best represent me. But thankfully, we were given steps to help aid our journey on creating a brand design. We first started with looking deeper into ourselves, writing a biography abut our lives and what makes us, us. We wrote about our  beginnings, where we’re from, our passions and even what we wouldn’t want others to know. This would help guide us for looking what’s most important to us, what’s most important in our sponge and bucket. The next step was to gather images and adjectives of what best describes us. Narrowing those images and adjectives down, we were left with things that would help create our brand.

Now, I would be lying if I said I did not like tea. Green tea, black tea, Jasmine, Oolong, I love it all! The flavor and warmth from the tea I drink helps calm me down when needed, so I thought… why not design a teacup? Designing the actual thing was definitely a pain, but I learned lots and overcomes many frustrating events. Seeing how it turned out, I can say that I am extremely proud. Of course, it’s not perfect and needs much working on, but there is always room for improvement. This is why I chose this assignment as my the one I am most proud of in Q3, because whenever I look at it, I feel that this design truly best represents me and my artistic style.


And here it is! Thank you for reading my post and I am very sorry if the image turned out blurry!! Have a great day!



Quarter 2 Proud of assignment

Welcome back to my blog!


In this blog, I will be sharing an assignment from Q2 that I am proud of. During the second quarter, I had English which was very interesting and fun! We wrote a lot of compositions and essays, we even read a few short stories and a novel. English very enjoyable for me and I decided to share my “Lyric analysis” project because it is the project that I am most proud of!


For this lyric analysis project, I decided to analyze the song “Oh my God” by (G)I-DLE. The reason why I chose this song is not only because of the many literary devices that could be found in the song, but because of the meaning and themes expressed. I wont go into a whole big explanation about the song and all its meanings, so to keep it short this song is about expressing love for someone of the same gender. The lyrics depict how the narrator knows that if she falls into temptation and loves this girl, that it will become a deadly “sin” and poison that she wont be able to escape from, but the narrator finally accepts who they are and regardless of whatever she’s told, she falls into the “deadly temptation”. The writer wrote such an interestingly inclusive LGBTQ+ song, depicting how some extreme religious exercises can make one not accept who they truly are.

And this is why I am so proud of this project! I was able to find many literary devices and use it as evidence to further confirm my interpretation of the song. I filled in almost every single line of this song with literary devices and described them to the best of my abilities. I truly feel that I went above and beyond the rubric and made an analysis that was not only worth reading but made sense and showed that I understood the literary terms. I also felt extremely proud because I was able to use this project to spread awareness about how even in these socially advanced ages that the LGBTQ+ community are still discriminated against in a lot of countries and about how that discrimination causes doubt within the community about their identity.

Now, I will finally show some screenshots of my project. English 9 was so much fun for me and these types of projects make it so enjoyable to go to school! Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a great day!




An assignment from Q1 that I am proud of!

Bonjour and welcome!

In this blog, I will be discussing an assignment from Quarter 1 than I am proud of. In the first quarter of this year, I was in two French classes back to back, needless to say I was a messed up human as I kept switching from English to French at random times in the day. But I will say, I have never enjoyed French classes as much I have this year, even if I completely shut down after my first Final Exam.

Moving on, the assignment that I am proud of most from Q1 is the “Project de Belle Idioms”. I really enjoyed this project because I was able to express my own chosen idiom and explain it. This project was meant to improve our French and help us learn that different countries around the world use different types of idioms and metaphors. During this mini project, I learned about new meanings and I now know French Idioms that I can use in a fluent French conversation.


Here the written part of this project! And no, I will not translate it to English, sorry!


Voir La Vie en Rose est une expression qui d’écrit le bonheur que tu peux trouver dans la vie si tu regard au les chose comme c’est la couleur rose. Rose signifie l’optimiste, d’être joyeuse, passionné et gai! Cette expression était formée dans le 18em siècle et après tout se temp l’expression a conservé son sens initial. Il y avait un Frère, qui s’appelle Joël, et il est allé au l’Abbaye de Saint-Martin de Mondaye pour donner une explication du couleur Rose et ses significations. Pendant l’Avant, la célébration de Jésus, les vêtements de Prêtre était le couleur de Violette… il n’y devrait pas des problèmes avec le couleur Violette, Oui? …Oui? Mais non! Le couleur violette est paru sévère voire austère! Donc, les prêtres changèrent couleur d’habite et se vêtirent de rose le dimanche du Gaudet pour avoir un sens plus joli. L’expression Voir la vie en rose peut être utiliser dans beaucoup des façons! Tu es triste? Voir la vie en rose. Ton frère est stupide? Voir la vie en rose. Tu es fâcheuse que ton l’émission Netflix préférer est annulé? Voir. La. Vie. En. Rose. J’ai trouvé cette expression après écouter la chanson La Vie en Rose par Louis Armstrong qui était dans une scène de Wall-E, après du temps, j’ai trouvé que c’était une expression Française! Et maintenant, cette phrase est un esthétique que j’utilise beaucoup car c’est très joyeux. Merci d’avoir écouté