Creating, Testing, and Improving our Invention!

This past Thursday, my partner and I met up one more time to solve the issues in our coding and ultimately complete our project. Previously, we had run into an issue while testing our code. We were able to have our Microbit do what we wanted, but were unable to get it to stop. We had input a command that would cause the device to ring when it was shaken. However, we were unable to find a command that stopped the ringing. It would continuously produce a high pitched noise that was really quite annoying. Finally, I discovered that if we used a melody instead of a ring, we could then use the command “stop melody”.

It worked perfectly! We were even able to test out the code on an actual Microbit. It was very interesting and fun to see how our code could make such a tiny machine do so much. I had a blast experimenting with the Microbit, and found it to be a great opportunity to be creative.

Design for Microbit

Today me and my partner decided to sit down and get some good work done designing our smart home device!  We are creating an invention that will help detect tremors and shakes during earthquakes. Our device will be capable of sensing shakes. It will be installed into furniture and alert you of any unsafe tremors or movement. This will help ensure that all of your furniture is properly bolted down and and is not in danger of falling during an earthquake. By alerting you of unsafe shaking, you can ensure that all of your furniture is properly secured in place and not in danger of falling.


We started coding the Microbit to make noise and show symbols when shaken. However, we have not been able to successfully stop the noise once the shaking has stopped. We hope to solve this problem in our future working period. We will try having different outputs dependant on different commands, such as buttons to make the shaking and noise stop. I look forwards to finishing this project and learning more about Microbit!