Check in / Q2 Assignment I am proud of

Assignment from Q2 that I am proud of.

Emma Jordaan
February 10th, 2021.

This assignment was given to me near the end of quarter 2. I was marked out of 10 points and received all 10. I wrote this paragraph in my English 9 Class with Mr.Ipe. Each sentence has to be written in a specific writing style in the order he placed them in. For example the very first sentence in my paragraph in in the style of a Simple sentence. The second, is in the form of a reverse Complex A sentence. The assignment took me about two hours in total for writing and proofreading the work I did before submitting it to my teacher. The assignment had to be in a specific subject. The topic we were given was called “Dealing With The Pandemic” where we weee told to write our experience and thoughts during COVID-19 and the lockdowns. This assignment was given to me during the hybrid portion of the class. This was one of my favorite assignments I was given during this class and that is why I chose to showcase the work I did.

Here is the assignment word for word:

Dealing with a pandemic
Emma Jordaan

My name is Emma Jordaan. Because of the pandemic, we mostly all wear our masks. Accepting this pandemic is crucial because we all need to work together to end this virus. I do not mind wearing one; on the contrary, some people do mind wearing them in public. My mother, who is very nice, is also completely fine with wearing a mask. Not wearing a mask in public is a very irresponsible thing to do for you are putting others at risk. Intelligently, most people at school wear their own mask all the time. Also not washing your hands also creates more risk towards other people. Walking around social distancing is very important. I feel we all need to recognize the safety issues; on the contrary, others want to ignore the problem. Carefully, people go in public trying to keep a good two meters distance from each other. I walked carefully to school this morning trying to do my part in helping. In the morning, I always pack extra masks to help others if the need. We aal need to do our part to end this pandemic to keep each other safe.

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